In'Tech Industries PolyJet Lab
The benefits of PolyJet 3D Printing are endless.
Here are just a few reasons to partner with us on your next project.

With over 25 Industrial 3D Printers, we can handle any size build from one part to thousands of parts. We can offer PolyJet, SLA, FDM, and more.

It's always about the details. Precision engineering is what defines our additive manufacturing labs, which are capable of building parts exactly as designed.
Parts in days, not weeks.
Maximize your efficiency.
Details. Details. Details.

3D Printed parts have different design details and elements such as tensile strength, elongation, as well as overall look and feel. That's why we offer a variety of materials to suit your needs.

Compared to traditional prototype methods, you will experience less time producing your part and consume fewer materials to build them. Start saving time and money and contact us.

With expedited services available, you can always be ready for the next sales meeting, or product demo. The extremely smooth surfaces allow for excellent show-and-tell models.
Materials to suit any need.
Say hello to savings.
Next time, steal the show.
Equipment you will find in the In'Tech Industries PolyJet Lab

The Connex500™ is the first 3D printing system that jets multiple model materials simultaneously. It offers the ability to print parts and assemblies made of multiple model materials, with different properties, all in a single build.

The Connex350™ is the first 3D printing system that jets multiple model materials simultaneously. It offers the ability to print parts and assemblies made of multiple model materials, with different properties, all in a single build.

Stratasys ObJet™ Eden 500V
The Eden500V™ 3-Dimensional Printing System is the ideal solution for large-size model requirements or when high productivity is vital. Its build size of up to 500 x 400 x 200mm eliminates the need to glue smaller pieces together for large models.

Brown and Sharpe Global Classic CMM
Tailored for maximum performance, the Hexagon Global® Advantage is a flexible gauging system that can efficiently and effectively complete a wide variety of measurement and inspection projects.